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Solid Knowledge tutoring math program aims to establish a solid foundation in school mathematics, fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and the logic behind math procedures.
As a result, after 1-2 years in the program, students experience a significant boost in both their confidence in math and their grades.
The program is designed to commence in middle school, approximately around grade 6, and extend into high school.
Upon entering high school, students typically find themselves a year or more ahead of the curriculum, a trend that must be maintained throughout grades 9-12. This ensures students can focus on the program's material with  full concentration, never having problems understanding school math.
Solid Knowledge tutoring math program requires from students significant effort, adding to their workload, but it pays off, providing them with confidence in math, peace of mind and high grades in school.
The program is excellent for college preparation.
It offers significant benefits to home schooled students too.

How it works

For grades 6-7 program concentrates on basics of mathematics -  number sense, arithmetic operations, word problems, fractions, and operations with them.  When the students are ready they are introduced to more advanced topics like variables, sets, and algorithms. Various materials are used, including highly regarded Singapore Math series .

Starting in grade 8, we begin the high school curriculum, covering  algebra, geometry, functions, advanced functions and introduction to calculus and vectors. We focus on understanding concepts through definitions and theorems, and we make sure to cover all the necessary proofs. Materials used come from a mix of English and Russian textbooks.



Enjoyment in Math

Students will be encouraged to engage actively in comprehending and mastering mathematical concepts, rather than relying on rote memorization.

Moreover, they will be instructed to seek solutions to problems through logical reasoning, rather than merely attempting to recall the appropriate formula and algorithm.

I sincerely hope that students will come to view solving math problems as both intriguing and enjoyable!





SOLID KNOWLEDGE MATHEMATICS      Made with the help of

                       T 647-701-8261                                                        

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